Photo Gallery
A special thank you goes out to our team photographer, Frank Ingram, who graciously gives his time to document our players throughout the season.
2/3/24 Game @ Woodbridge Warriors Summary

11.11.23 Practice Gallery
Thank you holding the fort down, Coach Billy:

10.28.23 Practice Gallery
Here is a video of Captain Ryan Griffin taking the ceremonial first shot on our new "shooter tutor":
Team Photo (2023-2024):

10.14.23 Practice Gallery
A few highlights from the 10.14.23 Practice and Scrimmage:

2023 Frankenfest Tournament Galleries (10/7/23 and 10/8/23)
A few highlights from Frankenfest Weekend:

9/30/23 Practice Galleries
A few highlights from 9.30.23 practice:

9/23/23 Practice and Scrimmage Gallery
A few highlights from 9.23.23 practice and scrimmage:

9/9/23 Opening Practice Gallery
A few highlights from Opening Day of the Dare Devils 2023-2024 Season on Saturday, 9/9: