Practice Summary - 9/7/24 (1st Practice of the Season)

Today marked the 1st practice of the 2024-2025 Dare Devils season. It's hard to believe that another season is upon us as it feels like just yesterday that we wrapped up our final 2023-2024 games in Rochester. But alas, seeing some of the players 6 inches taller and rocking full beards was affirmation that the Rochester tournament occurred over 5 months ago. However, the extended time off did not impact the effort the players were able to put into practice today. Coach Myles, Coach Kristin, Coach Eric and the other coaches/junior coaches led the Dare Devils through power skating, puck possession, skills training and some fun stuff during the 1.5 hour practice. Coach Jordan (welcome back) took the lead with the learn-to-skate players and did an excellent job working with our new team members. Holding down the fort as the de facto welcome committee were Coach Terence, Coach Bernard and Grace, ensuring that all of the players were fully outfitted for today's practice and all parents could get answers to their questions. It was so nice to see everyone - there were many familiar faces and several new families attending practice today. It was a great start and we are looking forward to another successful season.

Next week (Saturday, 9/14), we will have our normal split practice with the learn-to-skate session going from 9 to 9:45 and the advanced/intermediate practice running from 9:45 to 10:30.

Captain Ryan Griffin put together a new post documenting today in the Captains Corner section of the website. Thank you, Cap!

A special thank you goes out to the Howard family for graciously hosting the team for a season kickoff party at their estate in West Orange immediately after practice. The weather cooperated and we were treated to a beautiful pool day, excellent food (the ribs, macaroni salad and potato salad were top notch) and great company. Thanks again TJ and family - it was an excellent opportunity for the team to build camaraderie as we kick off another season.

We would also like to congratulate our esteemed team photographer, Frank Ingram, on his partial retirement from being our full-time photo journalist. He will still cover several of our games and events (for instance, he was at today's party at the Howard's house), but he is taking a much deserved break from attending most of our Saturday morning practices. Frank's dedication to the team over the years has been exponentially gracious and his photos are cherished memories for everyone that has ever been involved with our organization. Thank you Frank - words can't adequately express what your generosity has meant to our team!