Practice Summary - 1/18/25
By John Smith (#70, Liam’s Dad)
The Dare Devils once again had to deal with a modified practice time. This time around they were able to keep it in the morning hours and the 10:45am start time seemed to agree with them. The ability to sleep in an extra hour and 45 minutes clearly gave them some added juice as they were crisp and sharp all practice long.
The practice started as usual with the learn to skate session from 10:45 to 11:30 and the turnout was great. Many of the recent additions to the team continued their impressive progress with the veterans in attendance helping out their new teammates.
For the second half of practice, coach Myles split the team into 3 groups and alternated the groups in 3 separate drill stations. The players worked on their passing, stickhandling, and shooting skills. Every player was focused and worked hard on improving their skills with great help as usual from all the junior and senior coaches.
Word around the rink was that Veteran Dare Devil Will Trampota found a dead wasp on the ice. This bodes well for the Dare Devils as seeing a dead wasp signifies the end of a threat, conflict, or negative situation and that new opportunities await you. Here’s to new opportunities.